Surrey Social Innovation Summit | Carmen Moreira, Panelist


Surrey Social Innovation Summit | Carmen Moreira, Panelist

Due to the ongoing program delivery of our Community Training & Performance Programs in SD36 – Surrey and across Western Canada, Carmen has been invited to the third annual Social Innovation Summit as a panelist speak.   The event will be held in Surrey, BC this coming November.

Discussion topics include

  • Social and Economic Inclusion
  • Social Procurement
  • Safe and Inclusive Cities
  • Public Participation and Engagement of Marginalized Citizens
  • Racism, Discrimination ad Diversity
  • Indigenous and Vulnerable Youth
  • Learning and Leading Social Innovation


Upon receiving her summit invitation, Carmen was told in kind that “ [Her] work and practical experiences are of considerable interest, and we would be very pleased to have [her] participate at the 2017 Surrey Social Innovation Summit. “

At SQx, recognition such as this is always taken with a healthy dose of gratitude and humility.

We are looking forward to this incredible invitation where our Executive Director can present and commune with like-minded people to all working towards building stronger, more inclusive, and vibrant communities.