12 Apr Matera 2019 – European Capital of Culture
Beginning in January 2019, SQx will begin a co-production with GommaLacca Teatro and Curator, Claudia Matera, for Matera 2019 – European Capital of Culture.
What is a European Capital of Culture?
European Capitals of Culture are one of the most recognized EU projects, which begin in 1985. The idea is to put cities at the heart of cultural life across Europe and internationally. Through culture and art, European Capitals of Culture improve the quality of life in these cities and strengthen their sense of community. Citizens can take part in the yearlong activities and play a bigger role in their city’s development and cultural expression.
Being a European Capital of Culture brings fresh life to these cities, boosting their cultural, social and economic development.
All EU Member States, candidate countries and European Free Trade Association/European Economic Area countries participating in the Creative Europe programme can host a European Capital of Culture. More Info here.
Who is Gommalacca Teatro?
The company is located in a peripheric district of Potenza and was born from the artistic heritage and entrepreneurial vision of its founders and from the energy of those who work on, and those who participate in the activities.
The neighborhood in which it is located are unique and traceable, immediately catches the eye, and is stimulating for those involved in performing arts, architecture and urban regeneration. The nucleus is always available for dialogue and willing to contaminate the languages of the arts in all its forms, performative, educational and social and share and develop national and international collaborations.
In 2012, Gommalacca found its home in a peripheral district of the city, called “Serpentone”, and opened the doors of the: U-platz, civic and theater space, the off theatre where the company carries out its activities. In “Serpentone” (meaning The big snake), live one thousand inhabitants in a big concrete buildings.
“Serpentone” has been considered a ghetto until the end of the ‘90. In the middle of two tall buildings, there is a big concrete ship.
The ship is a monument, a piece of art, a roof garden, built to regenerate the neighbourhood, it is the symbol for people, of the waste of public money and the uselessness of some architectural interventions.
These apparent critical issues have fueled the challenge and stimulated the research for contact with people and the cultural regeneration of the neighbourhood.
The fusion between the arts of theatre and urban regeneration has led the company to contaminate its working methods and develop new visions.
What are We Making?
In partnership with the surrounding 131 villages of the 5 cities of Potenza, Albano Lucano, Calciano, Ferrandina, and Matera, we will create 2 new works.
- Interdisciplinary Performance—Contemporary Dance + Video Instillation
- Community Collaborative Performances–Contemporary Dance
Each of the works will be performed in each of the 5 cities of the region: Potenza, Albano Lucano, Calciano, Ferrandina, and Matera.