15 Oct Active Inclusion Program (AIP)
We have developed a new Community Training & Performance Program (CTPP) sub program, called AIP.
AIP residencies use contemporary dance to encourage a healthy conversation about discrimination, intolerance, hate, & racism as a method for increasing attachment to Canada in youth-at-risk. Because of the ongoing pandemic, we are delivering our new program online via ZOOM, TEAMS, or MEET.
Our exceedingly population final performance is still a key component of this year’s virtual program. Instead of a live performance students will work with artists to develop a stop-action video.
FEE: $875
- We prefer at least two video devices available for programming. Details to be discussed with each venue.
- Educators will be asked to take videos and photos of participants at specific points in the program, so a camera phone or tablet will also be required. Footage is collated in the development of the final stop-action production.
LANGUAGES: English & French
- As in previous years, we are providing t-shirts to select students in coordination with educator discussions.
- T-shirts are mailed to venues as the program progresses.
- A short survey follows the end of the program.
- All participants who complete the survey are entered into a draw to win one of 5 pairs of Apple AirPods.
- Draw is April 15, 2021.
- Winners are announced here.
This project is funded in part by the Government of Canada.