01 Aug UP2YOU
In partnership with, Il Mutamento, SQx is developing a new European Cooperative Project, called UP2YOU. Our consortium’s Cooperation Project, will feature
- twinned festivals & co-creations in partner countries
- establishment of network of companies focused on youth engagement
As lead applicant for our large-scale project, Il Mutamneto, has invited all UP2YOU partners to Turin for 1 week where each partner will provide a performance, and we will begin the development process of our Creative Europe proposal.
In addition to SQx and Il Mutamento, the UP2YOU consortium includes Association Kulturanova (Serbia), Alterego-x (France), and Centre “Nikola Djurkovic” (Montenegro), as well as partners from Spain, Poland, & Portugal.
The themes of UP2YOU deal with citizenship, the digital world & sustainability, and are inspired by the Recommendations relating to the key competences for lifelong learning of the Council of the European Union, such as:
- Digital competence
- Personal, social competence & ability to learn to learn
- Citizenship competence
- Competence in cultural awareness & expression
In light of the themes & methodologies identified, UP2YOU participants will become the “Citizens” of the new inclusive community & will have the opportunity to actively contribute to the organization of the cultural life of the community itself.”
Dates: November 23-29, 2020
Covid Contigency
If international transportation is not recommended, SQx will participate online.
This working week is funded bythe Foundation “Compagnia di San Paolo” through the project “S(v)Incoli Culturali.”