22 Dec Working Group on Territorial Development
Since October 2019, SQx and Carmen Moreira in partnership Município de Vila do Porto have been contributing to ENCC’s Working Group on Territorial Development. “The Working Group on Territorial Development and Culture in Non-Urban Areas is a transectorial platform gathering ENCC members, partner networks, researchers, practitioners, policymakers and cultural policy experts. The group shares practices and needs, makes recommendations and participates in shaping our advocacy efforts” (ENCC).
What We’re Up To
- To date members have been collaborating on a ENCC Manifesto called “Crowdsourced Manifesto: Culture for Shared, Smart, Innovative Territories,” which is currently still under the editing phase by representatives of ENCC, CAE, and IETM in order to create one joint document. This document will then be officially launched as a joint document on 16th March in Brussels called the “Manifesto for Territorial Development.” MEP’s and other politicians will attend the launch, and ENCC, IETM and CAE will present their common policy paper to them.
- A number of members of the working group (including SQx in partnership with Município de Vila do Porto and Netzwerk Kultur & Heimat) were also selected as part of the Voices of Culture joint dialogue.
- The Working Group also applied for the special session at 60th ERSA 2020 Congress in Bolzano, Italy.