15 Apr COVID-19 Update: 2020 Art of Management and Organization Conference
SQx will present “Social Innovation in Interactive Performance Programming” at the 2020 Art of Management and Organization Conference in Liverpool, England.
“September 2002 saw the birth of The Art of Management and Organization Conference on London’s legendary South Bank. Its aim was, and continues to be, the exploration and promotion of the arts (in the most inclusive sense) as a means of understanding management and organizational life and its contexts. Since then the conference has continued its collaborative and open ethos in Paris (2004), Krakow (2006), Banff (2008), Istanbul (2010), York (2012), Copenhagen (2014), Bled (2016) and Brighton (2018) has given rise to a vibrant global community of praxis – including both scholars and practitioners. Although it is primarily a refereed academic conference, it is also a place for integration – [through the exploration of] new links, relationships and explorations. Previous keynotes and featured events have included rock stars, comedians, actors, poets, musicians, artists, storytellers, dancers, photographers, calligraphers and philosophers.
From 2013, [The Art of Management and Organization Conference] have been operating as a non-profit making group which has allowed [them] to bring together the Art of Management & Organization Conference with the new journal of Organizational Aesthetics. [They] are committed to creating quality spaces for scholars, artists, managers, researchers, performers and practitioners of all types to share what they do and how they think.”
AoMO2020 will partner with the Bluecoat: Liverpool’s creative Hub based in a 300 year old building that has housed the arts for over a century and has been at the centre of Liverpool’s artistic resurgence in recents years. The programme offers a range of exciting critical perspectives on this year’s theme of ’Art as Actvism’ from a truly diverse range of practitioners, artists and academics in stunning settings.
Dates: 20 – 23 August, 2020
Postponed To: August 19 – 22, 2021
Venue: Bluecoat and the University of Liverpool
Theme: Art as Activism