20 Jun 10 Youth Presenters
We are recruiting for 10 dance jobs to assist in the development and delivery of a new program, Active Inclusion Program (AIP):
- Youth Presenter: $15.20 / hours x 35 hours / week x 18 Weeks (10 Positions Available)
Start Date: Sunday, September 6, 2020
Hiring Practices:
- All candidates must be between 15 – 30 years old
- Dance experience is an asset, but not required
- Preference is given to the following underrepresented youth populations
- Indigenous youth
- Special needs or disability youth (including those with mental health issues)
- Low-income youth
- Youth from remote and rural areas
- Minority languages
- Visible minorities and racialized youth
- Newcomers and refugees
Brief Job Description
- Candidates will work together to create movement material for a new syllabus.
- Candidates will deliver the AIP to underrepresented youth across British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Yukon, and the Northwest Territories.
- Candidates will contribute to group discussions and inspire student participation and collaborative problem solving during the delivery of program syllabus.
- Candidates must be extraordinary role models.
- Candidates must have a moderate to professional level of physical activity and coordination (dance and / or sport) (dependant on position).
Health & Safety Considerations
COVID is a developing crisis and information is changing day-by-day. Therefore, we are taking similar precautions as we adapt our programming. Considering health and safety recommendations, should in-person program development and delivery be impossible, we will shift away from in-person activities to the use of digital tools for both jobs–including working from home. If online learning continues in the fall (either partially or wholly), our programming will also be offered remotely.
- Rehearsals will take place in-person in South Slocan and Rossland, BC and remotely.
- Deliveries will take place in-person across Western and Northern Canada and remotely.
- Criminal Record Check (Vulnerable Sector)
- Candidates must provide their own transpiration to and from home at the beginning and end of the project.
Benefits: Accommodation, food (vegetarian), and transportation (outside of arrival and departure) will be provided for all candidates.
To Apply: Contact us to submit cover letter, resume, and photo
Application Deadline: Tuesday, June 30, 2020
This project is funded in part by the Government of Canada.