Heartbeat Dance
First performance: March, 2021
First performance: March, 2021
The Heartbeat Dance tells a compelling story and highlights disability arts as thriving, special, and a vital contributor to contemporary art and culture discourse.
In 2018, Carmen was diagnosed with a 3 CM hole in her heart (partial septal defect). This birth defect was repaired with a nickel plug to ensure that the blood flow properly through the heart.
Since then, she’s experienced significant life-detours and faced her own morality. This has had a profound effect on Carmen’s vision and passion for artwork that has blended social-cultural value. The “heart problem” has, in-term, become her capacity to heal communities through engagement, relationship building, and friendship. Carmen turned an initially negative context (heart disease) into inspiration and opportunity for art-making.
Other notes: We started the research and development process prior to the pandemic, and we paused to establish a new remote plan. The research and development was the completed digitally with the goal of using a digital dance lens to communicate grace and resiliency.
Dancers: Variable production proportions available for touring with 4 or 6 dancers
Length: 10 min
Special Requirements: Projector